A Good Outline Ofr A Persuasive Speech

Persuasive speech topics. Lots of timely persuasive topics can be found using social media, the radio, TV and newspapers. We have compiled a list of 75 persuasive speech topic ideas covering a wide range of categories. A persuasive speech is a type of speech that is used to persuade the audience to believe in something or to act upon something. The speaker tries to convince the audience with his point of view. The successful persuasive speeches are thought-provoking, informative, and provide a clear opinion.

  1. A Good Outline Ofr A Persuasive Speech Outline
  2. Outline For A Persuasive Speech Example
  3. A Good Outline Ofr A Persuasive Speech Essay
  4. Preparation Outline For Persuasive Speech

May 25, 2018 Topics For a Persuasive Speech. Good persuasive speech topics. Why should a teacher be the most well-paid job? Reasons why financial literacy is important in the society. Why sex education should be a part of a curriculum. 5 facts to prove that women could be better leaders. Why religion is a private issue of a person.

Persuasive speech is one of the assignments you may have at school or university that will be very valuable for­­­­­ you in your future professional or academic activity.

If you become a biology professor at university, you will need to explain feasibility of your research to your colleagues. If you decide to open your own start-up, you will have to convince investors that your business idea is profitable. Hence, regardless your future profession, you will need strong persuasive skills. It is better to start practicing now!

This article will give you examples of good persuasive speech topics, you will get an idea what persuasive speech is and how to structure it. So, let’s move on.


What Is Persuasive Speech?

Persuasive speech is a monologue with the aim to convince your listeners in validity of your point of view by providing the arguments supporting your position. It is actually really similar to argumentative essay. The difference is that persuasive speech should use emotional instruments instead of analytical ones, take into account who listeners are and try to hold their attention during the speech.

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What Are Persuasive Speech Requirements?

There are certain things that will help you to make your listeners never forget your persuasive speech. These are:

  • Structured and to the point

It is better if you manage to keep your persuasive speech short. It is proved that after 20 minutes of listening people start to lose attention and are not able to remember everything you say. As we know, Ted talks sessions speakers often explain complicated scientific researches in 15 minutes, so it is definitely possible for you as well. Structure is also crucial – if there are clear connections between all your arguments, facts you provide etc, your listeners will be able to catch all your ideas. We will cover the structure of persuasive speech in the next paragraph!

  • Emotional and passionate

Obvious but so true! People are more responsive to emotional persuasive speeches that include interaction between the author and the audience, sharing of something personal, strong examples. Make sure to ask questions, share your own experience or discuss real cases – this will help you to sound more persuasive.

  • Simple and targeting

Always remember who your listeners are! Do not use some specific professional vocabulary if you are talking in front of people who are far away from the topic area. If you need to use some notions, explain them. In general, your speech must be simple and easy to understand.

Persuasive Speech Outline

Persuasive speech outline follows the structure of an argumentative essay. You are welcome to find a persuasive speech template below. However, if you are going to speak in front of a big audience, remember to be flexible and use less formal language comparing to argumentative essay.


  • Attract attention to your topic (underline that the topic is relevant, doubt a well-known fact, ask audience what do they think on the topic/whether they faced a certain problem in their lives)
  • State, there are different points of view on the same issue
  • Explain why you are interested in the topic
  • State what are you going to prove

Main part

  • Provide some general information on your topic (optional)

Argument 1

  • State figure, fact, trustworthy opinion, personal experience, case, that could justify your point
  • Elaborate it, explain how fact/figure/opinion you provide help to prove your position that you stated in introduction

Argument 2

  • State figure, fact, trustworthy opinion, personal experience that could justify your point
  • Elaborate it, explain how facts/figures/opinions you provide help to prove your position stated in introduction


  • Restate your position in other words
  • Summarize all the arguments
  • Explain why the topic is important to cover

Topics For a Persuasive Speech

Good persuasive speech topics

  1. Why should a teacher be the most well-paid job?
  2. Reasons why financial literacy is important in the society.
  3. Why sex education should be a part of a curriculum.
  4. 5 facts to prove that women could be better leaders.
  5. Why religion is a private issue of a person.
  6. How honesty could help you in all areas of life.
  7. Why leadership is something that could be developed.
  8. Does school kill creativity of its students?
  9. Why is it easier for extroverts to succeed in their careers?
  10. Will cloning people become a reality?

Funny persuasive speech topics

  1. How fast food could be beneficial.
  2. 3 cases when lying could be justified.
  3. Why do top-performers have the highest fear of exams?
  4. Why celebrating b-day does not make a sense.
  5. What makes my city the best city in the world.
  6. Reasons I don’t hurry up moving up with my boyfriend.
  7. Why I would prefer job experience over a degree with honors.
  8. How to spend money wisely.
  9. Why does education system become obsolete every day?
  10. Occasions, when boys can cry.

A Good Outline Ofr A Persuasive Speech Outline

Easy persuasive speech topics

  1. Social networks facilitate people’s lives.
  2. Online education reduce inequality between different social groups.
  3. Why it is important to encourage charity activities from the early age.
  4. Why extracurricular activities could be more important than school.
  5. How subordination between teachers and students should be organized.
  6. Reasons abortion should be legal.
  7. What poor people know that rich people don’t know.
  8. How does learning about other countries’ cultures could help us in daily life.
  9. How does increase of retirement age influence economic development.
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Persuasive speech topics for college students

  1. How political apathy of an individual reduces overall wealth of the country.
  2. Why is sustainability of some companies fake?
  3. 5 reasons to change your point of view on networking.
  4. Why a government should not be a media owner.
  5. How will job passion help you in your career path?
  6. Does perfect political regime exist?
  7. Why capital punishment should be abolished worldwide.
  8. How body language tells people things you don’t know about yourself.
  9. Why standardized test is a bad form of an assessment.
  10. How tolerance lessons at school make a better place in the world.
  11. How university helps us to become team players.

Persuasive speech topics for kids

  1. Why e-books are better than paper books.
  2. Is it more important to study math than literature?
  3. Why are girls better in studying than boys?
  4. How internet helps me to do my homework.
  5. How vacations at school increase students’ performance.
  6. Are teachers always fair to students?
  7. Why should we help poor people?
  8. Why is it important to appreciate friendship?
  9. Why is cheating a bad thing to do?

3 Minutes Persuasive Speech Example

To make this article even more useful for you, we would like to provide a simplistic version of persuasive speech that will help you to get understanding of its structure and instruments that are used in persuasive speeches.

How university helps us to become team players

I guess all of you worked on a group project at school, right? Let’s be honest, it often annoys students – you ­­­­have to work with people you don’t like, argue with your friends, do work instead of your lazy partners etc. However, it is a real life and a great source of experience. Not only does higher education give an opportunity to study new things, broaden horizons and get necessary knowledge for future professional activity, but also helps to develop certain skills and the ability to work in a team. To prove my position, I will tell you about my personal experience as a team worker and explain you how it helped me to get a job.

During a sophomore year at the university I took a part in the organization of our uni anniversary- organized almost entirely by students and alumni. The teamwork was quite big and I personally was in a kind of inferior position. I could not have a strong impact on decisions and consequently was not able to develop fully my potential as a team worker. However, I understood that observing how the work was going, how responsibilities were distributed between my superior colleagues, are roles and functions that are equally crucial to a successful outcome.

During my third college year, I had to make a big project on case method course. The task was to form a group of 3 team members and solve a business problem. Eventually, I made a group of my course mates, who have not met each other before. I believe, I was the only one who was aware of personal traits, skills and abilities of each member so it was reasonable to take initiative, to organize our work process, to divide responsibilities and clarify our goals. This experience for the first time let me demonstrate my leadership skills and made me realize that I am capable of “ruling” a team.

I am currently a senior year student and I have already received an offer from a top-tier company. I need to admit that teamwork and leadership experience helped me a lot to get this job: I demonstrated leadership and understanding of my own role in a team during group assessment. Analyze your role and contribution to the work – it will definitely help you in the future.

We are sure that you are now able to impress everyone with your persuasive speech!

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