Kaiserreich Us Civil War

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Now, to be fair, the idea of a Second American Civil War in the 1930s already requires a good deal of suspension of disbelief, even if we account for the differences from our time line (OTL). I accept that, but at the same time, that shouldn't mean granting the story a blank check to do whatever it wants, no matter how ridiculous or unlikely. Hearts of Iron IV - Kaiserreich: How to Win the 2nd American Civil War Written by ChimpCookie / Aug 8, 2019 A not-so brief guide to tell you how to win the 2nd ACW ASAP, and break it with exploits.

Introduction This submod adds a path for the United States to avoid the civil war by using Kaiserreich 0.8.6 content. I do not intend to develop this mod further so if anyone is interested, please let me know.

  • Hearts of Iron IV - Kaiserreich: How to Win the 2nd American Civil War September 2020 A not-so brief guide to tell you how to win the 2nd ACW ASAP, and break it with exploits.
  • 📌 📌For MUSIC and WALLPAPERS - Press 'show more'-What if Germany had won World War 1?The World of Kaiserreich is an a.
  • Sep 20, 2018 The coming civil war will not have the same outcome of the U.S. Civil War of the 19 th Century. In the 19 th Century, the U.S. Had a more solid and cohesive ideological, social, political, and economic fabric. The people of 19 th Century America wanted to preserve the U.S. The federal government survived the 19 th century civil.
  • General Courtney Hicks Hodges (January 5, 1887 – January 16, 1966) was a decorated senior officer and general in the United States Army who commanded the U.S First Army in the Western European Campaign of World War II.In his career Hodges was a notable 'mustang' officer, rising from private to general.Born in Perry, Georgia, he joined the United States Military Academy at West Point but.
  • Oct 31, 2008 Interpretations 1861–1865 war as Second American Civil War. Some historians name the 1861–1865 war as the Second American Civil War, since the American Revolutionary War could be considered a civil war (since the term can refer to any war to separate one political body from another). They then refer to the Independence War, which resulted in the separation of the Thirteen Colonies.

A not-so brief guide to tell you how to win the 2nd ACW ASAP, and break it with exploits.


The KR community has been complaining about how difficult USA is, but it is actually the easiest faction if you play it right (i.e. not MacArthur). And this guide will tell you how to win the ACW so quick like it never happened.
The Garner path of Austerity through the storm is the quickest of all so far, and this guide tells you how to win it within a month or two.
If you intend to win as Huey Long (elect Olson and go down Velvet Glove), skip to the Exploit part.
If you intend to go CSA (assassination), also skip to the Exploit part.
Disclaimer: Because of how the ACW is balanced right now, even if you do the exploit, Huey Long on Velvet Glove will still take a few months, and a CSA win is very difficult right now (a year or two?).

Preparation (Part 1)

First thing you should do is wait for the introduction event and do the Garner-Wagner Bill focus.
And then you should try to compromise with the AFP to slightly increase chances of it passing.
It doesn't really matter if it passes or fails, but you get to place some nice juicy factories if, by RNG, it passes. Don't worry about increasing SPA strength by placing factories in the South (since you are compromising with Long), the CSA's strength is ultimately rigged by the events of 'Austerity through the storm' anyway.
For your production, you can build whatever you want for the dockyards, but I highly recommend you to assign one factory each for light tank, motorized, fighter, bomber, cas, and then 2-3 for artillery and the rest for guns. This guide depends entirely on light tank divisions, and it is necessary to have some equipment for replenishment.
Have a few divisions on training queue, but do not set deployment location. You should only deploy them after CSA broke away, as the CSA will get a buff if you have a lot of divisions at start.
For research, go for the basics: industry, light tank II (MUST), infantry weapons, artillery and superior firepower (or whatever doc that fits you). The CSA gets any tech that USA has fully researched when it breaks away, so to be as gamey as possible, research all your techs until you are 1 day from finishing them, and then switch to another. But I only recommend doing this for important ones (superior firepower, infantry weapons and artillery).
Now, switch the cavalry division to infantry division, and train all your divisions and fleets for xp (VERY IMPORTANT). I recommend scrapping the armored cruisers as they are useless and fuel hungry.
For construction, it is highly recommended that you build infrastructure only. Any factory you build will not be ready for the ACW anyway, and the stacked penalties can sometimes result in deconstruction of your military factories:
(The negative construction speed will actually reverse any progress you had towards building a military factory)
So just build infra in DC and at places safe from the war (Florida, California, etc.). You have enough airfields to handle the war so you don't need to build those.

Preparation (Part 2)

CivilOnce you get the event for the coalition, reject it because you want our boy Garner to win.
If the Garner-Wagner Bill passed, congratulations! Place the factories in the South. If you failed, maybe you can even skip those following focuses because MacArthur's plan definitely won't help you secure New York (the starting position in Austerity through the storm is rigged).
All skill no luck
Once you have pp, spend it on the intelligence minister, preferably a technical specialist to get research boost. The constant string of crises means you likely won't get 150 pp for any design company.
But in the rare case that you get enough pp for a company, pick any of these two:
After the ACW kicks off, you will lose most of your design companies. These are the only two that have useful bonuses, that will remain after the ACW kicks off, and that are located where the CSA cannot possibly reach. Don't spend pp on other companies.
Focus wise, after you finished the Garner-Wagner Bill focuses, go down Demand Canadian War Debt, and then Compromise with Canada to increase the chances of them not seizing New England. Usually they will accept.
In the very rare situation that Edward chooses to be a jerk (as in my test run), evacuate New England as they will almost certainly seize it during the ACW.
Don't forget to pick establishment candidates in these special elections.

The Exploit: Renaming Templates

Kaiserreich Us Civil War

This is the part you have come here to see, and if you watched Dustinl's video you can already guess what I will tell you here (I will tell you regardless).
As you know, the 2nd ACW now depends on the militia you mobilize from states, and this exploits allows you to get light tank divisions instead of crappy militia or garrison. This exploit is done by simply renaming a division template to those of ACW special templates.
This exploits only works for the state militias that are mobilized. The initial batch of troops to spawn by event are not affected, hence it doesn't work well in 3/4 way ACW because all sides get an initial batch of troops that you cannot temper with. Back to the guide.
By now you should have 5-10 army xp after training your men. Go to division designer, select create empty.
Add one artillery battalion, save and rename template to 'Revolutionary Militia'.
Duplicate and save the template 4 times and rename the rest to 'Revolutionary Continental Army', 'Revolutionary Garrison', 'Revolutionary Mobile Divisions', 'Mounted Revolutionary Militia'.
For your reference this is the CSA list of special ACW templates (IGNORE the loyalist ones):
Now, go to your armored division template, add a motorized artillery battalion to it, save. Then duplicate the template four times and rename to 'Army Loyalists', 'Loyalist Militia', 'Loyalist Garrison', 'Mounted Loyalists'. After that you should have something like this:
And then when the civil war kicks off and you mobilize your state militias, you should get something like this for every state:
For those of you who want to play Huey Long, MacArthur, PSA, etc. Here are the names of the other templates:

Preparation (Part 3)

Back to the guide. Pick our boy Garner in the election.
When the New Year Strike kicks in, you know the war is near.
Redeploy all your troops to DC (except for the Panama garrison, they will be returned eventually by event). If the Canadians accepted for the compromise, position 2-3 divisions to New England, otherwise pull everything out of it because the Canadians will seize it for sure.
The inauguration of Garner will coincide with the end of whatever focus you are doing.
Immediately select Austerity through the storm.
Arrange the meeting, and eject Reed.
Agree with Long, and stand by the Republic.
Now you enter the preparatory phase of ACW. Pause the game and begin mobilizing your troops (via decisions). MOBILIZE MISSOURI FIRST (it will fall to CSA a few days after the troops are mobilized), and then North Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee. These are the states closest to the frontline that have the most troops. Don't bother with mobilizing California, or other far away states in this stage, the troops mobilized there will never arrive in time before the war ends.
If you did the dirty trick of researching technology to the last day and then switch, now is the time to finish the one-day techs you saved up.
You have a lot of pp now? Don't spend them unless you haven't hired Remington and North American aviation. Don't hire other companies, as some will disappear after the war starts, or become unavailable as states are lost to CSA. Better save them for after the war. Also don't go partial mobilization. When the war starts you will switch to War Economy automatically.
The states hardcoded to fall to CSA in the preparatory stage are: Minnesota, New Jersey & New York City, Missouri, Upstate New York, in that order.

Strategy & Beginning of ACW

To win the war quickly, you should only rush CSA's big core VPs, namely Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York City;
secondary VPs to rush are: Madison, Milwaukee, Lansing, Charleston, Newark, Buffalo, Rochester.
But you don't all of these to win.
This screenshot above represents how I generally position my troops. Ignore the Mid-Western states. The tanks that you have should be placed under a good tank general (Patton or Chaffee) at Kentucky to rush Chicago and Detroit, and then turn towards Cleveland. Your infantry division (you should deploy those in training now) should be placed around DC and New Providence to seize Philadelphia and New York City (if the Canadians accepted the compromise). Place the armies under MacArthur because he is best at attacking.
Place your tac bombers to support the offensive to Chicago, and your CAS around DC, and split your fighters to support both.
When the war starts, immediately choose Push on the Syndicalist Front for extra attack, and War Propaganda against CSA because you will desperately need war support after the war.
If Edward decides to be a jerk and seizes New England, ignore him for now, you can always kill him later for his insolence.

Kaiserreich American Union State

Don't forget to send your fleets out to cut off CSA from Europe.
For the extra factories you get, put some (~5 each) on building light tanks, motorized, and then devote the rest to guns and artillery. A few factories on planes would be good.

Stomping CSA

Your offensive should be meeting no problems, as you have fully equipped tank divisions, while most CSA divisions are 0-org artillery brigades, and the few regulars they get can't really stand up to tanks. Push towards Chicago, New York City (if Canada doesn't take New England, you will get a few extra divisions there to push) and Philadelphia.
Don't forget to keep mobilizing your state militias. Delete frontlines and micromanage your troops if your battleplan AI starts acting weird.
Once you took Chicago, leave a few divisions to hold the area around it (or take Milwaukee as well), and then turn towards Detroit and Cleveland.
Philadelphia will usually be a tough nut to crack because that's where CSA volunteers will arrive at. If you can't take it, just wait till the tanks to push all the way to New Jersey.
If the CSA hasn't collapsed before you finish the army reform focus, choose Leslie McNair's Plan. The soft attack his plan gives is very useful.
And then the ACW is over.


Before the End of ACW event fires, pause the game and switch all your light tank divisions to the armored division template. Or else most of your mobilized divisions will get deleted! (Alternatively you can disband them and train new divisions)

The End

Thanks for reading this guide.
My test run with New England seized ended the war in May, but if RNGseus permits and you kept it, with New England you can actually win the war by April.
But even if you lost New England, with so many tank divisions at hand after the war, you can easily stomp Canada.
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Kaiserreich American Civil War Macarthur

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I don't like you, and you don't like me, but now we are in the same boat and everything should be done to save Russia.
War is a racket. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
The most heroic word in all languages is revolution.
Looking at the world as a whole, the drift for many decades has been not towards anarchy but towards the reimposition of slavery.
Together in Britain we have lit a flame that the ages shall not extinguish.
Guard the Balance
Hounded day and night through the smoldering ruins of our nation's former glory, our cause seems long lost.
But we think back to 1776, to Washington, his army swept from New York and New Jersey by the Redcoats, only to return across the icy Delaware and against all odds deliver a glorious victory at Trenton. Our fathers fought on, and so shall we!
We will unite against these rebels, and return the rule of law to our great nation! We fight on! So rally to the flag, men, for our homes, our families, and our future, we will fight on, as our fathers did! We proclaim this sacred oath!
— World of Kaiserreich - US Civil War - part 1 - USA

Kaiserreich Us Civil War

I saw US workers, fathers and sons, murdered in the streets by Rockefeller thugs. The American worker betrayed, shackled, enslaved. They believed they won the war on the workers of America but there was a spectre haunting the world and when chairman Reed returned from the victorious revolutions abroad, we knew our time had come.
The declaration of martial law would be the final insult to the underclass of this country. We rose up and the Chicago sun dawned on an army of a hundred thousand comrades under arms flying the scarlet banner of the revolution.
Go tell the ceasar and go tell the kingfish, the revolution is coming home! Break the chains! BREAK THE CHAINS!
— World of Kaiserreich - US Civil War - Part 2 - CSA
We place our trust in Senator Long and his American Union Party. The Feds are shills for the Wall Street moneyman. The Syndicalists are radicals, rabid dogs frothing at the mouth, ready to tear this nation apart.
Huey Long is the only man wiling to defend our citizen's rights. The American Union State is not the best option. It is our only option. And we will fight until we are the last ones left. God willing, we will fight to give this country a future. I love America, son, but I love you more. And I will fight for an America were you are a citizen under the constitution, not a serf to Wall Street!
We march north as traitors, but we will COME HOME AS KINGS!
Pacific states of america kaiserreich
— World of Kaiserreich - US Civil War - part 3 - AUS
They call us the Pacific States. We call ourselves the United States of America.
Like Cincinnatus, we will rise up when history calls on us and gladly throw down our weapons and return to the fields after war. Like Cincinnatus, we do not desire power. We desire life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! That phrase has not lost meaning on this side of the continent.
Free men of America!
Free men of the true America, we stand guard in the West. Let this be known. When the wolves of the East are done tearing each other's throats out..
We will march out and once again stretch the true American Republic from sea to shining sea!
— World of Kaiserreich - US Civil War - part 4 - PSA

Kaiserreich American Civil War Csa

How can you have a One Party State in a nation with 250 different types of cheese?
The world has gone mad.. but we can make it right again. We can go home again.
— World of Kaiserreich - Dominion of Canada - part 1
This is Nicholas Faircrest and you're listening to Royalist Radio.
We come to you today with an important announcement. All regular programming has been cancelled. In his will, our late King George V stated this tape was to be played on the eve of Operation Reclamation.
Today is that day. We are going home.
God Save the King.
— World of Kaiserreich - Dominion of Canada - part 2

American Civil War 2

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Written by ChimpCookie / Aug 8, 2019 A not-so brief guide to tell you how to win the 2nd ACW ASAP, and break it with exploits. Guides » Hearts of Iron IV - Kaiserreich: How to Win the 2nd American Civil War. As far as I know, it depends on how powerful the parties grow. I've heard it's something with electing Curtis, but I don't know the whole picture. Kaiserreich 2nd American Civil War. Before the civil war you can see from events and such when the AFP and SPA get a vague amount of political influence. As for the PSA, I don't know, probably a static 50/50 chance or something like that. © Valve Corporation. Todas las marcas registradas pertenecen a sus respectivos dueños en EE. GameJunkie > Hearts of Iron IV > Alternative History > Hearts of Iron IV: Kaiserreich – Let’s Avoid American Civil War… Exactly how do you avoid the 2nd american civil war? Todos los derechos reservados. So I just decided to make one. Description Discussions 0 Comments 135 Change Notes < > 135 Comments Mr Ret@rd Jan 7 @ 10:27am @RedPrometheus Oh thank god, thank you mister Sternjaeger Jan 6 @ 3:11pm Nice, thanks you! y otros países. Download this Kaiserreich - Let's Avoid American Civil War mod for Hearts of Iron IV and lead your nation to victory and prosperity in the Second World War! I know that part of the fun of Kaiserreich is not knowing for sure what path you will be lead down but I also know there are people who want to go down certain 'Timelines' for role playing. Put your enemies on their back! UU. Hearts of Iron IV - Kaiserreich: How to Win the 2nd American Civil War. If you really want to avoid the war, I suggest writing your own events- here's what I did for Curtis making a compromise with the CSA and shattering America First via assassinating Long. I have been seeing people asking about how to avoid the American civil war and I didn't see any other videos on Youtube. Kaiserreich - Let's Avoid American Civil War.

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