- Red Orchestra 2 Weapon Unlocks 2
- Red Orchestra 2 Weapon Unlocks Weapon
- Red Orchestra 2 Weapon Unlocks Roblox
- Red Orchestra 2 Weapon Upgrades
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad (RO2) is the follow-up to Tripwire Interactive's popular FPS Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45. It features complex ballistics, bullet drop and penetration,authentic tanks with fully realized interiors and several other unique gameplay features. Players can chose to join the German Wehrmacht or the Soviet Red Army. Tripwire Interactive is an American video game developer and publisher whose celebrated titles include both the Red Orchestra and Killing Floor series.
- 1Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
- 1.1Links:
- 1.2Factions
- 1.2.1Northern Forces
- 1.2.2Southern Forces
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to PC Gamer’s 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, developed by the same team that created the award-winning innovative asymmetric gameplay - Antimatter Games - in association with Tripwire Interactive. For the first time, the authentic gunplay and brutal first-person action of the Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles, man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems. Rising Storm 2 casts you into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam War.
Social Media
- Tripwire Interactive (Publisher)
- Antimatter Games (Developer)
Northern Forces
Southern Forces
Game Mechanics
- Commander Abilities
- Radios
- Northern Commander
- Southern Commander
- Squads
- Squad Bonuses
- Squad Leader
- Spawn on Squad Leader / Tunnel
Weapon Mechanics
Gametypes / Scoring
Official Maps
Dedicated Servers / WebAdmin
Red Orchestra 2:Heroes of Stalingrad, developed and published by Tripwire Interactive
August, 1942. They?re shipping us off to Stalingrad tofinish off the Russians. Somehow, it feels like we were just here five yearsago against the Red Orchestra, but this time high command promises moreadvanced technology, improved training techniques, and better weapons that willprovide further realism. I think getting shot at provides enough realismalready.
Hitler has provided no training tools against automated combatantsin this early version of the battle; alas, I must complete my missions againstreal human foes. The first skirmish is set in the outskirts of town, where I amhanded Karabiner 98 and told to assault a military bunker. Weapons are varied,and I have seen limited numbers of other specialties alongside my rifle: theassault soldier with a submachine gun, an elite rifleman, the machine gunner,anti-tank soldier, engineer with explosives, sniper, squad leader (whom squadmembers can spawn onto), and commander, who can call in artillery strikes andmortar attacks. Unlike the filthy Americans, we actually have to use our ironsights and count our ammunition rounds as they are fired, instead of relying ona display superimposed on our eyeballs. I don?t know how they do it, andfrankly I don?t want to know. Our weapons do have a number of advancedfeatures, however. For example, snipers have been given iron sights to engagecloser enemies, an oversight that has plagued the role for far too long. Plus,machine gunners will automatically deploy their weapons when prone on theground or near a window or ledge; it seems silly that they would not have donethis before.
Typically, we are given a series of large simultaneousobjective areas to attack two at a time, clearly indicated on the miniature mapI carry at all times. This tends to concentrate the action (instead ofspreading everybody out over all ten objectives), while still giving theattackers a tactical choice. Prudence dictates that we move quickly betweenareas of cover, which are thankfully plentiful in most areas of theimpressively detailed battlefields; it?s nice of the Russians to leave so manythings lying around! Since the objectives are so big (usually an entirebuilding), there are plenty of places to hide and ambush the enemy, so carefulmovement throughout the structure while looking down your iron sights is alwaysa good decision. Combat is very tense: you know the enemy is in the building,but you just don?t know where. Cautious movement makes the battlesslower-paced, but the thrill of taking down an enemy is that much sweeter.
Death is specific: individual body parts can receive damage,and bleeding must be stopped, by using a bandage, before it is too late.Weapons usually give one or two-shot kills, depending on which areas areaffected: direct shots to the head or heart result in immediate death, whileless lethal injuries can simply slow you down. The Führer has assured us thatweapon accuracy is very good: as long as you are stationary and use yoursights, your enemy will go down. Each weapon has a specific role: thesubmachine guns are great for close quarters action, but useless at any sort ofdistance. Conversely, the bolt-action rifles are appropriate for medium-rangeengagements, but less desirable up close. Indeed, I must work together with mysquad to ensure a total German victory. Despite being in a bombed-out hellhole,the local orchestra still provides us with music that dynamically changesaccording to our status in the battle. I am told that, as I perform well on thebattlefield, new weapons will be shipped into town by our military factoriesback home.
One of the new tactics that Hitler has gloriously introducedis the use of cover. No longer shall we be shot in the open! I only need tosimply approach a wall, window, or any large structure and ?use? it, instantlyplacing me in a first-person cover situation. From there, I can look down myiron sights, which will instantly pop me above the cover, ready to shoot theenemy. Toggling off iron sights will automatically place me behind the safetyof the obstacle again. I can also blind fire my weapon (or grenades), leanaround corners, or safely reload. This new training tool is fantastic,especially on defense. Those who are given a machine gun can now causesuppression of enemy units, which makes it very difficult to return fire.However, machine guns must be deployed, so their dominance on the battlefieldis not total, as their operators must remain still. Suppression can also be experiencedas nearby friendly units are gunned down by the enemy: a worrisome sight, to besure.
As I carefully advance through the streets, I sense asniper?s bullet. Quickly, I run towards the next building and take cover behinda wall. I hear Russian. I crouch below the window and toss a grenade over myhead into the room. One loud explosion later, I enter the room to find amangled corpse on the floor, the target?s leg now permanently removed from therest of his body. I call for reinforcements to assist me in taking thisobjective, but one more Russian remains in the area. I move towards the stairsand catch a glimpse of a weapon peeking out at the top. We exchange fire, andhe falls down from the second floor. We finally take the hard-fought building andcan move on to the final clash. Thankfully, tanks are nowhere to be found inthis battle. I hear tales that a single tank can take down entire walls andceilings of buildings, changing the composition of the battlefield. I?m not apart of the tank battalion, but I hear they have full 3-D interiors andindividual crew members suffer damage, instead of resorting to the arcane magicI?ve experienced in other, lesser battles.
The battle is at an end, with our side victorious aftertaking the last pair of victory locations. The battle was hard fought with manydeaths for both sides. The final objective was taken as an ally was engaging anenemy soldier: I came around the side doorway and planted a bullet right in hischest, leaving a stain of red on the wall behind him: a fitting end for the RedArmy. I found the battle to be much more accessible to green recruits this timearound, if the horrors of war can be considered accessible. Rumor has it thatthere are nine other locations where we will engage the Russians. The militarystrategy we used was to control two objectives at a time; I have heard storiesof battles where each soldier is given one life per objective, and more openconflicts where kills, and not territory, are most important. They say that thefull force of the Russian army will come September 13th; they shallmeet their ultimate doom then.
Preview written by: JamesAllen, Staff Writer
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